
The Office of Institutional Advancement and the Office of Sponsored Programs work with faculty and staff to secure external foundation and government grants.

从资助者的识别和提案的发展到遵守和提交, 我们每一步都在这里. 如果您已准备好着手进行确定的资金需求或提案, 请填写补助金信息表,相应的工作人员将与您联系. 


Sarah Reusche,基金会关系总监

Peter Wong,研究和赞助项目主任

  1. 确定项目
    与你的院长或副总裁一起选择或创建一个与你的技能相一致的项目或计划, 部门的策略, 大学的使命. 一个强有力的提案总是从创新的想法开始, 该领域的明确需求, 这是一个强有力的概念证明.
  2. 资助资料表格
    一旦你有一个确定的资金需求,请填写补助金信息表 Etrieve. 这是提案跟踪、内部批准和遵从性所需的内部表单. It must be completed and approved by relevant approvers before proposal development can continue and before a submission can be made. Please use this guide 如果您需要登录etrieve或使用表单的帮助. 
  3. 确定资助者
    如果您在填写奖助金资讯表时没有确定资助人, 机构发展和赞助计划将帮助您确定潜在的资助者.
  4. 提案开发
    取决于资助者, 你的提案可以是一份详细的申请表格,或者只是基于一个建议的大纲. 超出所需的提案元素, 你的提案应该明确地与你的资助者的目标和愿景保持一致. 机构进步和赞助项目可以分享历史, trend data, past giving, 和联系人,以帮助指导您的提案发展.
  5. Submission
    Your 资助资料表格 must be approved before submission to ensure the grant complies with internal and external regulations. 赞助项目办公室提交所有政府拨款, 而机构进步提交基金会资助. 偶尔,一个P.I. 是否会与私人基金会项目经理有密切的关系, 拨款须由P.I. 随着cc的发展. 
  6. 管理拨款
    P.I.S负责及时和准确地使用提案中概述的赠款资金. 罗杰中央用于跟踪预算vs. 实时数据. If you have questions about your GL, purchasing, or 罗杰中央, please contact Finance directly.

    The Office of 研究和赞助项目 has developed an Introduction to Grant Management Course – An online video instruction of eight modules on varied subject which provide an overview of managing and administering externally funded projects at Roger Williams University.    Principal Investigators are encouraged to view the contents to gain familiarity with the procedures and responsibilities of conducting research and other sponsored programs at RWU.



    点击“是”加入网站并加入为会员.  The 补助金管理简介 course will appear in the site navigation across the top of the screen.

  7. 申报资助
    基金使用及拨款结果的最终报告. 报告要求可以由资助者定义,也可以由项目负责人创建.I. 在你的提案的评价和评估部分. 类似于提交过程, required reporting and important stewardship is submitted through Institutional Advancement and Sponsored Programs. 

Adherence to University and funder policies is essential for the success of a grant and the long term relationship with the funder. 主要政策及表格连结如下:


考虑到提案的发展,可能需要长达三年的时间才能获得大笔赠款, 申请和资助时间表, 与新的资助者建立关系. 有了明确的资助者,准备就绪的资金申请可能只需要一个月的时间. With such a wide range it is helpful to keep in contact with Institutional Advancement and Sponsored Programs about long-range funding needs so that a responsive funding pipeline can be developed.

我有补助金. 我的GL是多少?

资金申请的优先次序由总统办公室确定, the Provost, the Deans, 根据大学的使命任命副校长, vision, 和策略.

No. The University’s internal review process makes sure that the proposal meets with administrative approvals, 文档标准, 以及制度战略. 此外,行政部门与P.I.s to maintain consistency and integrity of approach through on-going relationships with funding agencies.

Be sure to consider whether you have the time available to spend on writing and revising your project proposal and budget and actually coordinating the project once funds have been secured. 最后,确定补助金结束后你要做什么. You have a better chance of securing a grant if you have a good long-range plan for supporting your activity after the grant period is over.

礼物是直接捐赠给大学. It may be a general gift to be used at the University’s discretion or it may be for a specific purpose. A grant is given to attain specified project objectives that have been proposed by the University and agreed to by the University and the grantor. A contract is an agreement between the University and an external funding source; whereby, certain provisions of services or products are “contracted” to be delivered by the University to the grantor.

Cost Share
Cost sharing may be indicated when required by the funder or when the cost of a program is not fully covered by a grant proposal. 这些大学资源的预算承诺必须在提案之前得到批准. 

指导费用是奖助金预算中可预见的费用. 这包括员工时间、材料、差旅等. 直接成本不包括日常开支,如公用事业、行政支持、租金等. 这些是间接成本.

The 资助资料表格 是否需要内部审批和提案跟踪工具. 

Grant guidelines are the specific set of rules laid out by the funder for applicants to follow when developing a proposal. 这通常包括必需的提案元素, 规定的格式, 申请人资格, 允许费用, etc.

The Human Subjects Review Board exists to protect individuals who participate in research conducted at RWU or by a member of the RWU community. 要了解更多有关合规的信息,或者您的工作是否需要HSRB的批准,请访问我们的 HSRB site.

机构动物护理和使用委员会 the responsibility of review and written approval of all research and related teaching activities involving the use of vertebrate animals, 在学校赞助下进行的, department, 或大学内其他单位. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 IACUC site.

Indirect cost payments reimburse the University for expenses incurred during the course of a grant-funded project. 这些费用包括图书馆的使用费, 学生服务, personnel, payroll, 资金管理, utilities, 理由是维护, 劳保, 卫生服务, and similar expenditures that cannot be readily identified with a single grant-supported project or program. 私人资助者决定是否或哪些间接者有资格获得赠款. RWU协商联邦拨款的单一间接费率. 

意向书是在奖助金提案之前与资助者的正式沟通, 表明申请的兴趣和建议的一般概念.

首席研究员是领导该基金的教师或工作人员. 一些补助金可能有合作.I.'s. 

征求建议书是对资助机会的正式宣布, objectives, eligibility, 和最后期限. 

A subaward is really a “sub-grant” and represents a portion of contracted work under a larger grant-funded project that is to be provided by one or more other institutions or organizations (third parties). The third-party must provide an accountable PI for the worksite who will be responsible for required oversight of the project and generating the necessary reports. 这是组织伙伴关系或联盟共同工作的标准方式. 

受资助学生将获得另一所机构的部分资助, 如主申请人提案中的预算.

Stewardship is the ongoing and long-term communication with a funder that includes formal reporting, 关于赠款进展的非正式更新和通讯, 以及奖励认可. 强有力的管理工作建立了与资助者的信任和长期伙伴关系.